A while back we had finalised the kitchen layout for Project Comeback. Once the layout is final, we move on to the next step in kitchen planning. We decide where we want to place all the kitchen cabinets and equipment. If you want to get a modular kitchen done, this planning is best done in conjunction with the provider. We had decided on Sleek Kitchens and so we contacted them.
The Kitchen Cabinets:
I gave them a copy of our final plan, and a Sleek representative took actual kitchen measurements on site. Usually what happens next is that the client gives her list of requirements and the kitchen provider makes a plan accordingly and presents it to the client. This goes back-and-forth a bit, as the design is tweaked and changed till you have a ‘perfect’ final plan. To avoid that, I met Aditi at Sleek’s Fort showroom so that we could work on the plan together. She was great to work with. We took a counter at a time, a wall at a time, selected from the various kitchen cabinets available in the different sizes, and put everything in place.
Work Zones in the Kitchen:
You can roughly divide the kitchen into 3 work zones. The Prep zone is where all the food preparation is done. This includes cleaning, cutting, mixing, grinding etc. Here, the counter opposite the hob works well for this. We planned space for all appliances, including the oven, microwave and grinder and planned electric points accordingly. Also drawers for knives and spoons, and larger ones for utensils.
The Cooking zone obviously includes the hob. The building doesn’t have piped gas yet, so we left space for the gas cylinders below the hob. Later, when piped gas is available, we’ll convert these to drawers.
The Cleaning zone includes the sink. Here it conveniently falls between the Prep zone and Cooking zone. It is close enough to wash the vegetables and fruit before prep and for the utensils after cooking. The plate rack went above the sink and we left space for the dustbin below. We also marked a plumbing and electrical point for the water purifier on that wall.
We have an ironing zone in this kitchen too. We put a cupboard below the ironing counter to keep washed and ironed clothes.
Civil Work Begins:
Aditi took a day to send me the final quotation. She also sent all the detail drawings for the kitchen counter and marble verticals. Sleek sent their technical representative to site along with drawings and he explained all the details to the civil contractor. So we started our civil work with all the final details in place.

Sleek was very prompt and responsive on site. A couple of days later they came and checked that the marble verticals were in place. If any change has to be made, it is easier at this stage, than when the counter has been laid on top. The only problem with Sleek so far, has been getting the 3D views from them. They took ages to send the drawings. They took a couple of weeks to come back with each alteration, and they still got the colours all wrong. (We’re so NOT getting an orange kitchen!). But these drawings give us an idea of what to expect.
So here is the kitchen now, with all the civil work complete.

We left the breakfast counter for later, because we want that in another colour. And the cabinets will be fitted in once we are ready for them.
(Update: You can see how the kitchen finally turned out HERE!)
It indeed is a step by step guide for a novice like me to plan his kitchen. Good work !
Thank you, Sameer!
Rittika, the real feeling of Brick to Brick came now….with images of the civil work on in the kitchen….All the super best.
Thanks Rashi! I’m glad you liked it. You will see more such posts now… 🙂