Welcome to my Amazon Storefront. It’s that time of the year.. when I walk you through my favourite finds at our favourite market place.
What’s New On My Amazon Storefront

Welcome to my Amazon Storefront. It’s that time of the year.. when I walk you through my favourite finds at our favourite market place.
Have you been ooh-ing and aah-ing at all the pretty fabrics and furnishing you’ve seen in our projects lately? The prints, patterns, textures, embroideries we use in every room add so much to it to make it look bespoke. None
It’s time to roundup the year with the last roundup of the year, the Wallpaper Roundup 2022! Here’s a random fact for you – the wallpaper roundup was the first roundup I ever wrote, way back in 2018. It’s because
Of all the roundups I share with you, the rugs are by far my favourite. So I’m super happy to be here today with all the gorgeous rugs we’ve used last year. Welcome to the Rug Roundup 2022.
It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post here. As I find myself getting busier with work, it’s getting harder to stay regular here. But I know you guys have always found these roundup posts useful and wait
When I started writing these roundup posts, I thought I was helping you out, as they would be useful to you to find sources of material we’ve used in various projects. Over time I’ve realised that these posts are super
Though I have regularly been posting roundups of furniture pieces we have used and loved, I haven’t done a roundup of decor accessories yet. I get questions about a mirror, a vase, a planter… so many little things we use
Going through pics of past projects to put together these roundups is one of my fave things to do. It’s a lovely walk down memory lane and I get a chance to stop and swoon at some of my fave
Welcome back to another quick roundup of many of the new products that I have listed on my Amazon Storefront.
Cushions, bedcovers, quilts, throws… these are a few of the smallest items in a home renovation list in terms of budget. Yet, they are one of the biggest in terms of impact, and a great way to make a little-big