Finally, the last stop on our tour of this beautiful home, is the guest room of Manzil. It is the smallest room of this home, yet we’ve given it everything a guest would need to feel at home. Let’s take
Guest Room – Manzil

Finally, the last stop on our tour of this beautiful home, is the guest room of Manzil. It is the smallest room of this home, yet we’ve given it everything a guest would need to feel at home. Let’s take
Next, on this home tour, comes the girls’ room of Manzil. This room is all sugar and spice, and everything nice, just like the two sisters who share it. Remember how the master bedroom took the greens from the living
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds.. Now slowly exhale and open your eyes. You are ready to experience the tranquility of the master bedroom of Manzil.
Hello, and welcome to this gorgeous new home in what promises to be an amazing new year. I’m starting it with a new project reveal, and that’s a fabulous start, me thinks. This is the first time I haven’t picked