Project Comeback is now nearing completion. This means the home is almost functional and we now need to dress it up.
The Big Excitement of Fabulous Fabric Selection

Project Comeback is now nearing completion. This means the home is almost functional and we now need to dress it up.
The work has been progressing slowly and surely, and it’s time for another Project Comeback update. The ‘functional’ furniture is done and ready. Now we’re working on the aesthetics of the home. This is the fun part where we put in the decorative
The incessant rain in Mumbai has not dampened our spirits at Project Comeback. The excitement and enthusiasm is only increasing as the home begins to take shape. We have an idea for the exposed beam, but let me give you an update
Next, we started planning the home office. Missus is queen of her castle and she plans to rule her little world from here. She will spend most of her day working from this room so she is looking for a comfortable, organized and beautiful space.
This Father’s day, gift your father his dream space!
The first step to a perfect plan is knowing your requirements. Seems quite obvious, doesn’t it? But every family member had their own idea of what they wanted in their dream home.